The DTG-Adjustable Pedestal Support with Lumber Adaptor is used to connect standard wood profile or aluminum sub frame to the DTG-Adjustable Pedestal. You can install 2-2''x4'' or a 2''x6'' beam inside the space of the Lumber Adaptor.
Recommended spacing for the use of the pedestal with joist and 5/4'' lumber or composite material of 1'' net size.
16''X48'' If you use a 2X4 or 2X6 on the strong side.
16"X24'' If you use a 2X4 or a 2X6 on the weak side 1.5'' side.
Note1: With some of the composite on the market you may need to space the pedestal every 12''
Note 2: The spacing can be the same or greater for specialized wood such as IPE 5/4 or other thicker wood. However, it is important not to exceed 8 square foot of load per pedestal.
Available in different sizes: (Adjustable sizes shown with LUMBER ADAPTOR)
DTG-S1 (50-65 mm) 1.96''-2.55’’ (28 mm Base and 35 mm Head)
DTG-S2 (70mm-90mm) 2.75’’-3.54’’ (28 mm Base and 50 mm Head)
DTG-S3 (80-115 mm) 3.15''-4.53''
DTG-S4 (120mm-170 mm) 4.72''-6.69''
DTG-S5 (145mm-225 mm) 5.70''-8.85''
DTG-S6 (205mm-335 mm) 8.07''-13.19''
* Remember that the heights shown above do not include the thickness of the raw lumber used.
NOTE: The DTG-Adjustable Pedestals can sustain a lot of load. However, the weakest link rapidly becomes the roof membrane of your rooftop. If you don't have accurate data of your roof, we normally suggest to use 1 device every 2' in each direction. You can choose to screw them (if necessary) to the existing surface.
The total between hears of the lumber joist is 3- 1/16''
The Lumber joist head is 6-3/8''
The pedestal head is 5-1/2''. the Lumber joist head is larger than the base pedestal head. For stability, load must be applied to the 5.5'' area under the main pedestal head.
The pedestal base is 7-7/8''
****If you have a slope on your roof, we also offer the DTG-Slope Corrector, which allows for a much easier and even set up.