The DTG-PAVERS and/or LUMBER JOIST Adjustable Pedestal Support (pack of 8) comes with 8X Thickness Spacer Tabs (2mm), 8X Shims and 8X Lumber Adaptors, which are interchangeable. These supports can be used to allow for space between marble, pavers or cement tiles.
Available in different sizes: (Adjustable sizes shown with THICKNESS SPACER TABS (2mm))
DTG-S1 (40-55 mm) 1.57''-2.17’’ (28 mm Base and 35 mm Head)
DTG-S2 (60mm-80mm) 2.36’’-3.15’’ (28 mm Base and 50 mm Head)
DTG-S3 (70-105 mm) 2.75''-4.13'' (65 mm Base + 50 mm Head)
DTG-S4 (110mm-160 mm) 4.33''-6.30'' (65 mm Base + 100 mm Head)
DTG-S5 (135mm-215 mm) 5.31''-8.46'' (65 mm Base + 50 mm Head + Extender)
DTG-S6 (195mm-325 mm) 7.67''-12.80'' (65 mm Base + 50 mm Head + 2 Extenders)
*Remember that the heights shown above do not include the thickness of the tiles, or paving slabs you choose to use.
***SPACER TAB OPTIONS available (special order) from 2mm to 10mm. Please e-mail us:
We do not recommend greater than 5mm for commercial applications. A wider gap can be dangerous when women are wearing stiletto heels.

The DTG-Adjustable Pedestal Support with Lumber Adaptor is used to connect standard wood profile or aluminum sub frame to the DTG-Adjustable Pedestal. You can install 2-2''x4'' or 2''x6'' beam inside the space of the Lumber Adaptor.
Available in different sizes: (Adjustable sizes shown with LUMBER ADAPTOR)
DTG-S1 (50-65 mm) 1.96''-2.55’’ (28 mm Base and 35 mm Head)
DTG-S2 (70mm-90mm) 2.75’’-3.54’’ (28 mm Base and 50 mm Head)
DTG-S3 (80-115 mm) 3.15''-4.53''
DTG-S4 (120mm-170 mm) 4.72''-6.69''
DTG-S5 (145mm-225 mm) 5.70''-8.85''
DTG-S6 (205mm-335 mm) 8.07''-13.19''
* Remember that the heights shown above do not include the thickness of the raw lumber used.
NOTE: The DTG-Adjustable Pedestals can sustain a lot of load. However, the weakest link rapidly becomes the roof membrane of your rooftop. If you don't have accurate data of your roof, we normally suggest to use 1 device every 2' in each direction. You can choose to screw them (if necessary) to the existing surface.
**If you have a slope on your roof, we also offer the DTG-Slope Corrector, which allows for a much easier and even set up.